Parent-toddler Interaction Support
“Helping Parents Help Their Children”
It's typical for parents to find it challenging to regulate their own behaviours and emotions when their infant or toddler doesn't exhibit the expected behaviours. Learning to step back, take a deep breath, and pause before reacting is essential. Simultaneously, it's important to engage with the infant during interactions, teaching them how to respond to social, emotional, and problem behaviours. Our goal is to offer support and help you as a parent learn effective strategies for stimulating your child's brain through behavioral interactions.
Our mission is:
To assist the parent in becoming mindful of their own behaviour and their environment in order to increase their well-being and parenting style
To provide strategies to deal with infant/toddler challenging behaviour
To stimulate social-emotional communication development via parent-infant/toddler interactions.
Sessions: 6 training sessions
Ages: 8 months-3 years old