Employment Aid
“Charting Paths to Success, Together!”
Overall, working plays a significant role in shaping individuals' lives, providing them with opportunities for personal and professional growth, financial stability, social connections, and a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Our goal is to assist the individual in becoming a valuable member of society by facilitating the acquisition of skills essential for researching and securing meaningful employment opportunities.
Our mission is:
Training in skills for acquiring a job (pre-vocational skills)
Exploration of professional pathways
Basic skills searching for a job
Basic skills required for work readiness
Executive Functioning
Training skills in the job (vocational skills)
Acquiring skills for problem-solving and troubling shouting at the workplace
Teamwork and collaboration (incl. building social connections)
Establishing clear communication and expectations
Learn how to ‘bank’ energy to prevent burn-out in the workplace
Executive Functioning
Training skills for maintaining or moving up in the job hierarchy (vocational skills)
Advanced skills for multi-level communication
Executive Functioning
Ages: 15-25 years old