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Established in 2016, MONORODI is a Non-Profit Association committed to providing timely diagnosis, comprehensive support, effective interventions, and psychoeducation for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families. We also aim to enhance awareness and foster acceptance within the wider community. 

We envision a society that is capable of accepting diversity, embracing the uniqueness of each individual, and providing equal opportunities for neurodiverse people. Through awareness, education, and support, we aim to create an environment where everyone can develop their potential and actively contribute to the community. Our goal is for understanding and cooperation to become the foundations for promoting social inclusion and eudemonia for all.

We are made up of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Special Educators, Social Workers and Life Coaches with extensive local and international experience in neurodiversity.


A five-member board governs the association with an eight-year term.


President: Marika Vrountzou, Psychologist
Vice President: Dr Anna Plessas, Psychologist & Behaviour Analyst
Secretary: Stavroyla Pagoni, Special Education Teacher
Treasurer: Marika Vrountzou

Members: Antonia Kalyva, Mother of an individual with high functioning Autism, Lampros Serakiotis, Social Worker
Honorary Member: Ignatios Kafantaris, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists

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© MONORODI 2023 Non-Profit Association | Privacy Policy

PHONE NUMBER: +302109571890, +306984454444  ADREESS: Pan. Tsaldari 247 , Kalithea 17675  EMAIL:

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